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Tricialicious aka Tricia Evans - ugly on the inside - in regards to the outside, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
Tricialicious aka Tricia Evans - ugly on the inside - in regards to the outside, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.

Tricialicious aka Tricia Evans is a racist and bigoted IRL streamer with an established sex worker past (it’s unclear as to whether she’s an active or retired sex worker - at one time she utilized the alias “Beverly Hilton”) who is classified as being a part of the “Carterverse” (though she never actually had a relationship with Aaron Carter - who is around 10 years her junior).

Tricia Evans is currently in a relationship (which has lasted 10 years) with 37 year old John Nishan Avdoian aka Nishan aka Nishakee of Las Vegas, NV. Avdoian heavily supports Evans financially and appears to offer his “free” child care services on occasion. Avdoian is known to be an extensive racist against African-Americans and condones the abuse of children. Avdoian has been witnessed on Tricialicious’ live stream verbally abusing her child. In addition Avdoian has engaged in domestic violence altercations with Tricia Evans on live stream.

Men: Before you “simp” on Tricia, keep in mind that the majority of women will immediately write you off and label you something along the lines of “pond scum” - as Tricia (at this phase of her life - in the opinion of a substantial portion of her YouTube audience) is literally the embodiment of nearly everything negative a human (namely a mother) could be.

Donators who Tricia Evans has received money from, but in turn lied about and/or slandered: Rick Bastuba of ItalianGuyTV, Skelly of the Outcast Owls, Alexandra, Captain Deplorable

People Tricia Evans has exposed her minor aged daughter to physically and directly online: Attila Bakk, Mommy Blogger, Captain Content, Lil Poh, GooCheese, Kerissa Tabona

In 2012 Tricia Evans aka Tricialicious did the unthinkable by making fun of the children who died in the highly publicized Aurora, Colorado mass shooting.

2021 April Live streamed with Captain Content in Las Vegas and had a sexual relationship with him.

2021 July Live streamed with Attila in Los Angeles and had a one night stand with him.

In September of 2021 Tricia lost custody of her daughter to Child Protective Services and she live streamed the entire traumatic event.

Though Tricia paints a narrative of being a believer in Jesus Christ, she has been witnessed laughing at individuals who’ve attempted to pray for her. Tricialicious has been witnessed practicing pagan forms of religion - Santa Muerte specifically.

Tricialicious inciting violence by suggesting Blacks and African Americans be hung from trees utilizing a noose.

Individuals who have gotten to know Tricia have reported her to be very skilled at painting false narratives and blatantly lying.

Tricia consistently and routinely refers to Blacks and African Americans as the N-word and appears to be in the process of cultivating several online affiliations with members of white supremacist groups linked to the IP2 community. Tricia has gone as far as to say on the Outcast Owls Live podcast, “Well everyone needs to get with the program… [Racial] slurs are the new black” in effort to encourage hate and violence against Blacks and African Americans.

It is highly advised that parents (especially people of color) keep their children as far away from Tricialicious aka Tricia Evans (and her daughter, should Tricia ever regain custody of her daughter) as possible.

As of June 27, 2022 Tricialicious stated that racist extremist known as The Jokeress was “based” upon labeling a Black African American woman not only the N-word but a “monkey” as well.

As of February 2024 it came to light that Tricia Evan’s daughter’s father was a male escort in Las Vegas known as Alexx.

As of June 8, 2024 evidence surfaced in regards to Tricia Evans working with Rebecca Clark aka Bec (another live streamer and parent who’s been well documented in regards to substance abuse, child abuse and possible overdose coercion).

August of 2024 Victor DeLeon aka Zaya of ETC Live-streaming LLC exposed Tricia Evans having maliciously targeted a minor aged child online by having created media of her designed to bully the child, tear down the child’s self esteem and coerce the child to suicide. The child (minor around the age of 8) in question is the daughter of a public figure named Kerissa Tabona.

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As of August 19, 2024 Tricia Evans publicly on her livestream severely abused a very young Pomeranian dog on her live stream. The incident was documented and the evidence was sent by concerned parties to Nye County Nevada Animal Services.

On August 23, 2024 Tricia Evans verbally abused and humiliated her minor aged daughter again in her car on live stream. The incident occurred almost immediately after Evans met with a married man named Attila Bakk (who has a daughter younger than Evans daughter).

The morning of August 25, 2024 Tricia Evans began maliciously spreading the false rumor that an African American woman (who she’s targeted for over a year and has wished death on multiple times) “murdered” a recently deceased man named Casey Gradwohl. Evans is close friends with 2 of the parties officially suspected in Gradwohl’s passing (public figures Rebecca Clarke and Stik). In actuality the African American woman Evans named has never met Gradwohl in person and has never visited the area of California where he lived. This is a situation of Evans attempting to deflect from actual dangerous criminals involved in drug trafficking who she is associated with.

As of the weekend of September 21, 2024 it was observed that Tricia Evans’ daughter has been potentially exposed to the alcoholic and self labeled “sexual freak” John Nishan Avdoian Salas’ OTDs/STDs. In addition, it was observed that Evans’ leaves her daughter home alone unsupervised with Avdoian Salas.

Public figure Tricia Evans aka Tricialicious threats and death wishes to William Brace aka Goodtimes4life.

As of January of 2025 a man known as Attila Bakk was exposed as a criminal, abusive husband and sex trafficker (who had been trafficking his mentally ill wife Jewel Rancid for several years). Tricialicious has been in direct communication with Attila Bakk for over 3 years and has allowed him to have inappropriate access to her daughter Cher multiple times of the years. It appears that Tricialicious may be allowing Attila Bakk to groom her daughter for sexwork in the future.

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On January 21, 2025 Tricia Evans publicly made fun of sex trafficking victims and the element of sex trafficking as a whole. The day prior she exploited her daughter as "donation bait" on her live stream though only a week prior she stated that she would no long showcase her daughter on her adult oriented live stream. It is being speculated that Evans is grooming her daughter Cher with the help of Attila Bakk for sexwork (and is trivializing the crime of sex trafficking in effort to indoctrinate her daughter into believing that supporting both Trica Evans and Attila Bakk by selling her body to her mother's live stream viewers is "normal").

As of the morning of February 9, 2025 Tricia Evans established herself as “pro-porn” and “anti-Christian” by promoting false narratives about the late Christian anti-porn activist Shelley Lubben. In addition Evans promoted and endorsed a racist criminal extortionist and human trafficker known as Donald Carlos Seoane aka Donny Long.

As time goes on, Tricia’s racism (specifically against Black and African American women) has become increasingly apparent.