Jewel Rancid

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Jewel Rancid

Lillian Allbritton aka Jewel Rancid - an IRL streamer who appears to have struggled with mental illness at times, but seems surprisingly sane at other times (especially since the start of 2023 due to her electing to live a predominantly sober lifestyle)..

Allbritton has had a few brushes with the law in the past and has a history of being institutionalized on occasion, but today is making solid efforts to live a responsible life.

Allbritton is a mother and currently married to Attila Bakk - an IRL streamer and European immigrant.

As of 2023 Allbritton lives a fairly quiet life and rarely live streams.

As of January of 2025 observers noticed Jewel begin to live stream again in effort to document her husband Attila Bakk’s mistreatment of herself and her toddler aged child.

In addition in January of 2025 it was stated by a reliable source that Jewel is pregnant again with her second child with Attila Bakk.

As of January 19, 2025 sources uncovered factual evidence that Jewel’s husband Attila Bakk is actively see trafficking Jewel to the public. Jewels prostitution alias is Alana Sandy. It’s important to note that both Jewel’s daughter Sophia and Tricialicious’ daughter Cheridyn have been heavily exposed to the lifestyle and culture of sex trafficking, illegal pimping and illegal prostitution via Attila Bakk.

@alanasandya on twitter