The Jokeress

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The Jokeress is a bigoted Croatian live streamer on YouTube affiliated with The Carterverse who has been known to target and bully both Carterverse affiliated and IP2 affiliated live streamers (such as Crystal Ann).

As of June 2022, it was revealed that The Jokeress is involved in a psychologically abusive e-relationship with the livestream podcaster known as 24Eyes (a man known to routinely engage in abusive targeted harassment of a multitude of American livestreams - namely Tricialicious and Controlla).

As of June 19, 2022 The Jokeress made it known publicly that she takes major issue with marginalized groups within the United States, and that in particular she embodies extreme hatred towards current and retired adult entertainers (which is odd considering that she claims to be a “sex expert” and that much of the living she earns is dependent upon her past affiliation with Playboy Entertainment). In addition, on the same day, The Jokeress stated “America disgusts me”.

As of June 20, 2022 a past business associate of The Jokeress (who lives in Croatia) presented evidence that The Jokeress is approximately 5 years older than she claims.

Current YouTube channel:

YouTube channel from approximately 3 years ago: