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Attila aka Attila Bakk (born 1984] is a Hungarian-Canadian IRL IP2 streamer who is the husband of IRL streamer Jewel Rancid.

Attila was born in Transylvania, Romania. While growing up in Transylvania he became a Vampire.

In 1999 at the age of 15 he moved to Windsor, Ontario, Canada with his parents and became a citizen of Canada.

Graduated from the University of Windsor with Bachelor in Computer Science.

Currently staying in the United States of America.

September 2018 Started streaming.

February 2019 Got a $10,000 donation from Mr. Beast during a sleep stream on Twitch.

January 2020 Participated in the Vegas Streamer Compound along with OnlyUseMeBlade and OG Geezer.

In late 2024 it became apparent that Attila Bakk is cheating on his wife Lillian Allbritton aka Jewel Rancid with public figure Tricia Evans aka Tricialicious (a woman best known for having exploiting her minor aged daughter on live stream, and consequently having her daughter removed from her custody via Los Angeles, CA Child Protective Services).

As of January 2025 it came to light that Attila Bakk is abusing his spouse Lillian Allbritton aka Jewel Rancid, sex-trafficking her to the public via the alias Alana Sandy and is endangering and exploiting (via live stream) their toddler aged child Sophia.

As of the morning of November 24, 2021 Attila’s close friend GoodTimes4Life stated that Attila made the false claim in a private conversation that an African American woman they both are aware of embodies “histrionic personality disorder” - whereas the truth is Attila’s wife Jewel and his friend Tricialicious exhibit the classic symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder.

Attila Bakk’s associates Jewel Rancid, Tricialicious and GoodTimes4Life exhibit the classic symptoms of HPD.

Attila has a long history of being very manipulative (primarily by playing people in his social circle against each other and projecting the faults of his close friends upon those he perceives as his enemies), however he does seem to have a good heart. Hopefully as Attila matures and embraces fatherhood he will improve substantially (as he’s capable of doing quite well in life if he makes the solid decision to do so).

As of January of 2019, Attila’s associate GoodTimes4Life revealed that Attila did indeed marry Jewel Rancid specifically for immigration purposes (to get his United States green card).

GoodTimes4Life (a character played by the actor William Brace) discloses Attila’s desire for a green card
GoodTimes4Life (a character played by the actor William Brace) discloses Attila’s desire for a green card