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Natalie aka Natalie Rice is a moderator for the mother who routine engages in the online exploitation of her minor aged child known as Controlla. Natalie operates a multitude of YouTube accounts (many using the “Natalie” alias/name) in effort to evade being banned from being able to chat within YouTube channels she trolls. On almost a daily basis Natalie violates YouTube / Google TOS.

Natalie has not been clearly witnessed via any live video streams - however a voice with an accent that sounds like a British accent has been observed via audio feeds. The voice of Natalie is very similar to and exhibits that same vibrational pattern of a popular software application utilized to mask voices (in other words the operator of the Natalie Youtube account may be utilizing a “voice changer”).

Natalie appears to be very concerned about the presence of a Men’s club known as The Outcast Owls and has gone as far as to tell lies about the group and spread misinformation about the group (for example, she has claimed they have posted media of Alexandra Mayers without her permission, however as of current that is not true and can be proven easily as not being true).

Much of what Natalie states about tattoos and Free Masons being a part of “Satanism” points towards Natalie being linked to a religious extremist group. In addition Natalie has been heard via audio stating racist thinks about people of East Asian heritage).

Natalie has been heard on live panels stating particularly racist ideas in regards to individuals of East Asian decent.

Natalie’s chat posts 01
Natalie’s chat posts 01
Natalie chat posts 02
Natalie chat posts 02

Youtube comments

Natalie Youtube comments