Barb Sawyer Lifestyles

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The elderly yet problematic woman known as Barb Sawyer Lifestyles - who appears to suffer from several health issues.
The elderly yet problematic woman known as Barb Sawyer Lifestyles - who appears to suffer from several health issues.

Barb Sawyer Lifestyles of Maine frequents IRL chat rooms and habitually bullies and harasses the targets of the criminal Rick Bastuba. As of March 12, 2023 Sawyer claimed to proficient in casting “magical spells” against targets (which in the eyes of mainstream society points towards her being delusional and embodying a form of mental illness).

Lifestyles appears to have a failed YouTube channel which receives very little traffic - likely due to Lifestyles embodying very little personality or charisma. Lifestyles launched her YouTube channel by exploiting the George Floyd situation (which is t surprising considering her public communication with well documented racists who particularly take issue with Blacks and African Americans).

Lifestyles (who appears to have been commissioned by Bastuba to defend him) attempts to use intimidation tactics to push Bastuba’s targets into allowing her onto live stream panels. When a target rejects Lifestyles’ communication advances, she creates a smear campaign against the target in response and spews unjust insults towards them in their live stream chat rooms.

As of February 28, 2023 Lifestyles fabricated details about an African American woman’s personal history on the YouTube channel @ItalianGuyTV (a live stream hosted by the criminal Rick Bastuba).

Over the years Lifestyles has been witnessed supporting live streamers who routinely utilize racial slurs against People of Color (names Blacks / African Americans).

As of current, Lifestyles is associated with the white supremacist gang known as The Owls.

Barb Sawyer Lifestyles exploiting the George Floyd incident in attempt to draw attention to her failed YouTube channel.
Barb Sawyer Lifestyles exploiting the George Floyd incident in attempt to draw attention to her failed YouTube channel.