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Stik is known in his region of Canada for routinely assaulting women.

Stik aka Stik Solid aka GummywormLive

A Canadian criminal with a violent history (which includes assaulting women, stalking and involvement with illegal drug trafficking).

Stik was witnessed and clipped encouraging, condoning and supporting his associate James Metallo’s threats of rape and assault against an African-American woman.

Within the IP2 / IRL affiliated communities Stik has crossed international borders to criminally stalk Skimask Andy aka David DeCou and Alexandra Mayers.

Skimask Andy aka DeCou’s child’s mother (known as JustJenn aka Bobbi Dylan) was asked by her family not to engage in online live “drama” and “gossip” panels, but Stik continuously pressures (and possibly even blackmails) JustJenn to go against her family’s wishes.

Stik has been witnessed joining live panels comprised of underage boys. On the panels he has been reported to have inquired as to the minors’ sexual preferences and their sex lives. In addition he has been reported as having encouraged minors on such live stream panels to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana.

Stik is closely affiliated with a pedophile known as Stoner Scribe. In January of 2024 evidence in regards to Stoner Scribe’s inappropriate relationships with minor aged boys in the Atlanta, GA area was uncovered.

For at least the past 2 years, Stik has also been in communication with and associated with an abusive parent, drug addict and criminal named Amber Dawn Hall aka AmberHHHH aka Awrench99 who is currently in prison for methamphetamine related crimes. Learn more about Amber on

As of June 14, 2024 Stik participated on a live stream hosted by an individual from the UK known as “Stonic10” where he presented false and slanderous material originally created and compiled by Donald Carlos Seoane aka Donny Long (a child abuser, political extremist and human trafficker currently in an Osceola County prison). Stik presented the material in effort to both promote and give credibility to Seoane while discrediting a supporter of a live streamer known as Vegan Patriot.

August 13, 2024 a man named Casey Grawohl aka Orange aka Tributary Traveler passed away. When Gradwohl was alive, Stik constantly stressed Gradwohl out by pressuring him not to associate with People Of Color (namely African-Americans / Blacks). In addition Stik often was witnessed publicly deterring Gradwohl from connecting with healthy friends and associates who are not drug addicts or alcoholics. Lastly Stik was known to pressure Gradwohl into communicating online with criminals linked to drug trafficking (within the California area).

As of August 24, 2024 Stik continues to frequent the live stream panel of James Metallo (a mentally ill violent male who’s made several legally actionable threats of assault and rape towards women). Stik’s agenda appears to be to promote the blatant normalization of the rape of Women at this phase. In addition, the CANADIAN known as Stik has started to make false claims of United States citizens who are his targets being under investigation, whereas in actuality they are not.

Stik and his associates routinely tell their targets that if they go to law enforcement “no officer will believe you”. Such a tactic is typical of serial rapists and murderers.


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Comments and posts from various accounts and alts linked to “Stik”

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