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[[Category:IRL Streamers]]
[[Category:IRL Streamers]]

Revision as of 13:49, 23 December 2021

Gia Lovely aka Gianna Frusciante
Gia Lovely aka Gianna Frusciante

Gia Lovely aka Gianna Frusciante is an IRL streamer and sex worker linked to and aligned with several women (namely an older woman known as Caroline aka Chicken_Cakes) who condone, encourage and promote white supremacy (and violence against Blacks and African Americans).

Gia is known to develop unhealthy fixations upon female IRL streamers (namely those who are mothers) and often targets their children via her YouTube videos.

Gia Lovely fixating on IRL streamers who are women and mothers
Gia Lovely fixating on IRL streamers who are women and mothers