LarkJustLark is a very prejudiced and racist live streamer chatter who as of current is a moderator for Vegan Patriot and Tricialicious (the mother who live streamed her daughter being removed from her custody by Child Protective Services/ CPS).
Lark appears to enjoy rallying hate against and inciting violence against Black / African American women for absolutely no justifiable reason outside of pure bigotry.
The screen shots below illustrate how Lark (in conjunction with other anonymous chatters she knows) engage in slander and hate a hate campaign against a Black woman known as Alexandra (who LarkJustLark is very envious of).
In early 2024 Lark encouraged Vegan Patriot to continue a relationship with an abusive man known as Incel Bin Laden aka ScuffedLukeSkywalker aka Nick (a live streamer known to be an extensive illegal drug user). Lark went as far as to donate money to Nick to continue his public (live on stream) abuse of Vegan Patriot.
As of current parties are interested in legally serving LarkJustLark with legal paperwork. Individuals with information as to her whereabouts may contact ip2wikiinfo @ gmail . com